About Waterside Photography

Waterside Photography started when I began taking photographs at Fort Phoenix beach in Fairhaven, Massachusetts every morning at dawn and most evenings. Since those early days I also began taking photos of the seabirds, boats and skies in the area.

We moved to Fairhaven in June of 2022 and my new practice of taking photos daily has given me joy and an appreciation of all that my new home offers.

I deeply enjoy making pictures. I have a number of years of art training from my school days that informs my compositions now and leads me to see things from a different perspective. I am an artist using photography as my medium.

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I did making them.

Now that I’ve started this small business as a freelance artist, I am interested in what you would like to see or know about me, photography, my website or my portfolio. Please feel free to drop me an email at Photography.SueMeadows@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments to share. I’m here. I promise I will never share your email address with anyone, and I will only use it for replies.

